Redefining Normal

Crossing the finishing line. Amazing moment!

Before I start my post, I want to wish a very happy birthday to my amazing momma. I know I shared this quote with you before, but it perfectly reflects how I feel.

“My mother... she is beautiful, softened at the edges and tempered with a spine of steel. I want to grow old and be like her. " -Jodi Picoult

After Chuck's burial I was standing near a friend. I turned to him and he told me that the hardest days were yet to come. I didn't necessarily believe him, but now I see that he was right. The days right after are a total blur. Funeral homes, obituary writing, burial, flowers, casseroles etc...

Then comes the real world.

I came back to work last Monday and was met with the abrupt recognition and truth that life. goes. on. I still have a job to do, our dog and cat still need to be fed, meetings, responsibility, obligation, no mercy, no exceptions, no excuses. I think it actually helped me. I needed to redefine what I've deemed, The New Normal.

We had our home study interviews and home visit. Everything went exceptionally well. We are so blessed to say that our travel dates to Jamaica have officially been booked. We'll be there from November 17-21. (Yes, that's two weeks away!) Our goal while we're there is to meet with the CDA and turn in our finalized dossier, serve at Blossom Gardens Children's home, worship at a local church, and build community. We can't wait and I'll update as soon as I can.

We also had an amazing turn out and experience at our race. We ran with a beautiful laminated picture of Chuck to honor his memory. I clenched it tight the entire last mile. He was smiling down, and that warmed my heart. It was truly the best day of my entire life. I'm not exaggerating. Our support system is second to none, and I can't wait to tell Baby H all about it. Crossing the finish line with Adam and being surrounded by so many family and friends was such an emotional and humbling experience. From the awesome cookies (LAUREN!) to the knitting half-marathoner (Samantha!), Baby Steps certainly had a presence. As pictures come in, I will post more. I didn't have a camera or take a single picture. It's a good thing I have stalkeratzi friends (Kristin, Cassi & Mom)

We will do this race as long as we are able.

I am still running on fumes I think, but the peace I feel is God given. I am so grateful for all of the prayers and encouragement that we've received. The Lord has been with us every step, for that I am certain.

Thanksgiving is coming, and although it has been tough lately, I am so grateful for so many things. The Lord is working and moving in ways I can't even explain. Our lives will change forever when we have our sweet child. My heart skips a beat just thinking about it.

As I prepare to tuck in for the evening, I know that we are one day closer to becoming a family. That's a good feeling.
