Our hearts are full tonight. We are feeling incredibly grateful, thoughtful, and moved. Our shirts are selling quite nicely. We've got at least 75 sold! I can't wait to get them in and see people wearing them! We've set a few aside for our little one. How amazing will that be to see our child wearing the very shirt that helped get him or her home?! My heart flutters a bit just thinking of it.
We're placing orders tomorrow, but will be ordering plenty of extras. So feel free to order one here, and we'll make sure to get it to you!
We're still moving full force toward completing our home study. We met with the licensed psychologist last week. Next step, the home visit.
I've been milling around my house trying to view things through the eyes of a social worker. I'm checking the fire alarms, gun safe, banister railings etc. I know it's not based on cleanliness (I guess it would be if the house is really bad) but I've been extra thoughtful about coasters, and super frivolous with the clorox wipes lately.
I just want the agency to know that we're not perfect, but we are a loving family with room in our hearts and home to be wonderful parents.
My impatience gets the best of me sometimes, but I'm still certain that things will all work out in God's timing.
The race is coming up SO soon. Our team is up to 34 members, which makes us the third largest team in the race. There are 70 teams total, so that's AMAZING! Not to mention the people who have said they'll be there for moral support! I can't wait to see everyone out there. Honestly, I don't know how I'll make it through the day without crying, and I'm perfectly okay with that. It is so moving to feel the love and support.
I'm making a gigantic scrapbook for our sweet child. It is our most sincere hope that they will never once doubt how much they are loved.
We're still planning a trip to JA next month. We're currently researching and seeking guidance on whether we should turn our paperwork in with the CDA (Child Development Agency) in MoBay (Montego Bay) or Kingston. We're also reaching out to Children's homes on the island to serve in while we're there. We've already been connected with a church, and are looking forward to building community with the people.
Things are moving right along, and we are feeling blessed, but not quite whole. But, we're working on that part. Thanks for the prayers, love, and support.
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