Ahhh, Thanksgiving is near. I can't wait! Thanksgiving is by far the most attended holiday in my family. The only thing larger in attendance than people is the FOOD! There is so much food! Casseroles, pies, and turkey galore!
Family can be so stressful, dysfunctional and crazy sometimes. However, God handpicked those people gathered around that table, and whether we like it or not, those people have made us who we are. I have so much identity in my family, and am grateful for everyone in it.
I truly believe that God and family are the most important relationships we have in this life. It's so hard to be away from family, I miss them all so much. I'm looking forward to the holiday season.
It's weird spending this many consecutive days away from work. In case you're concerned about who is caring for Guinecula during this holiday break, he is in my guest room. I'm not kidding. If there is anyone that has ever overstayed their welcome in my house it is him.
I'm burning multiple candles at one time, yet my house still smells like wood shavings.
There is so much to be thankful for. Some of my tops include: God, family, friends, a free country, my house, job and animals.
Here is wishing you a laughter and family filled Thanksgiving! Cheers!
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