Instead of feeling sorry for their poor, sniffly teacher, my kids seemed to prey on my vulnerability and stuffy ears. I don't know if it was my sickness and lack of patience, or their day after halloween sugar hangover...either way, I had to get out of there.
I went to the doctor and she confirmed my suspicions that I have a bad sinus infection. Off to bed I went. I remained horizontal for the next 15 hours and woke up this morning still feeling horrible. I'm on antibiotics, but I guess they're taking their sweet time to kick in.
When I would miss school as a kid it was no big deal. I'd veg out all day eating chips and watching trashy daytime TV. Seriously, did you know that Steve Harvey is the host of Family Feud? I know it's bad, but I thought he died. My biggest problems were the osteoporosis commercials that kept interrupting the Price is Right. But today, I'm having borderline anxiety at the thought of someone else in my classroom at my desk, teaching my kids. Adam brought me to reality by asking how effective I would really be trying to teach two digit multiplication with snot running down my face. I concurred.
So for now I'm on Kleenex box number 2, movie number 3 and toothbrushing number 0. It will be tough to catch up after a day and a half out of the classroom, but hopefully I'll come back 100%.
Maybe I'll peel myself up from the bed and brush my teeth. However, I wouldn't want to overexert myself. Instead I'll begin movie number 4. Julie and Julia here I come.
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