To display the kid's work.
Birthday board: Incomplete
Student question board.
So we know what day it is.
Boy do I need new clothes. Five years of college may get you a diploma, but it for dang sure will not get you an acceptable wardrobe. As I prepared for yet another meeting for school, I had to sift through sweat pants, cut offs and t-shirts from American Eagle that say live your life. I finally settled on some jean capri pants and a shirt my mom gave me. Yes blog readers, today I wore Mom hand-me-downs. Have I stooped to an all time low? Mom, if you're reading this, I'm not by any means insulting your style, all I'm saying is that I had literally nothing to wear. I find it very important to have a professional wardrobe and will be making a trip to Ross very soon. While we're on the subject, I love Ross and feel that it should not be the red headed step-child to the big department stores. It has merchandise just as good, and for half the price. I mean, if you don't mind rummaging through racks of disorganized clothing or dozens of children screaming on the floor because they have been displaced from their mothers who must be lost in a pile of clothes somewhere, Ross is the place for you. Meet me there, I'll show you around.
I met with my team leader and my mentor today. It was both enjoyable and productive. They offered to accompany me to the 20% off sale, which was extremely helpful. I spent $98.00 and got a ton of stuff for my classroom. However, the place was an absolute madhouse. Imagine tax-free weekend, but imagine it surrounded by type A personalities (which most teachers are) and throw in door prizes and a free stapler and you've got my crazy afternoon. I somehow managed to keep my anxiety level to a minimum having had one mild panic attack and hives only a mere 20% of the entire trip. I must say, I impressed myself. I did get the stink eye from a veteran teacher when I eyeballed the only remaining "attitude is everything" poster. She grabbed it so quickly I didn't even have time to react. It's better off hers.
I'm feeling pretty stressed out because I have so much to do before school starts. I'm the only new teacher at my school so I won't have anyone who will truly be able to empathize. The good news is that everyone I'm around will have been where I am at one point or another. It's important for me to remember that.
This morning as I was reading the Bible, I was reminded of a very pertinent truth. In 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 it says, "Be on guard, stand true to what you believe. Be courageous. Be strong. And everything you do must be done with love."
Can I get an Amen...and a cardigan sweater...and maybe a pencil skirt?
AMEN!! You are so funny. I love your blog.